Daarnhouwer Orion Ambulance

Daarnhouwer Orion Ambulance

In the outskirts of Gayo Highlands Berawang Baro is a village consisting of 600 inhabitants who live and breathe coffee. With 127 registered farmer families, coffee is everywhere. While the residents enjoy their quiet life in a remote area, the 2-hour drive to the...
On the Trail of the Mexican Cocoa Culture

On the Trail of the Mexican Cocoa Culture

During a recent visit to Mexico, our colleague Erika embarked on a journey to learn more about her country’s deep and proud cacao roots. Tag along with Erika on her discovery tour of Mexico’s rich cacao heritage. From Mexico City to Chiapas, we will follow the cacao...
Meet our team

Meet our team

Getting up close and personal with the Daarnhouwer team! Before the end of the year is here, we thought it would be fun to introduce ourselves to you. Sometimes you see a name in an e-mail or talk to someone over the phone but you can’t put a face to the name. Or...
Vietnam flavours: a bar to bean story

Vietnam flavours: a bar to bean story

HOW VIETNAMESE CHOCOLATE BRAND TBROS BECAME A QUALITY COCOA EXPORTER   As a cocoa lover and chocolate enthusiast, you probably recognize the quite distinctive packaging of the Vietnamese brand T-Bros. Brown recycled carton with golden glitter, blue and white...